CD Smiles added 1 item to Albums Heard in 2019 list
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Albums Heard in 2019 list
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Albums Heard in 2019 list
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Albums Heard in 2019 list
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Movies Watched in 2019 list
February 13th
Directed by: Roger Vadim
Imagine if you even could make a movie like this anymore? Approaching sexual freedom in such a cheeky, fun and innocent way while also being a high concept science fiction film. I don't know how you can present this subject matter and not have it feel tacky and exploitative but they managed to do it. It's so creative too, I feel like no one nowadays would be able to put this imagery together. It's so creative, so of it's time, Barbarella is really special.
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Movies Watched in 2019 list
February 13th
Directed by: Arthur Penn
It's funny that I usually don't like movies that go beat by beat through a bunch of things that actually happened. I don't know how accurate this film is, but it does definitely feel like one of those movies where plot structure is thin and it's kind of just stuff happening. I do know for a fact that the real Bonnie and Clyde were not this pretty. However, it's a good time, man. They just knew how to do it 50 years ago.
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Discografia list
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Albums Heard in 2019 list
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Albums Heard in 2019 list
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Albums Heard in 2019 list
6 years ago
CD Smiles added 1 item to Discografia list
6 years ago